Hadassah Emmerich

Hadassah Emmerich

Hadassah Emmerich
(°1974, NL)
Lives and works in Brussels

has earned recognition for her exuberant paintings, collages and murals that intricately weave stylized representations of exotic fruit, body parts and vegetal elements into bold eroticized ornaments. Her work reflects an immersive and visceral exploration of the body and identity, navigating the realms of the sensory and the sensual while delving into the commodification of the erotic and the exotic. Since 2016, Emmerich has developed a new painting technique, using stencils cut from vinyl flooring, which she covers with paint and then impresses onto canvas, paper or a wall. Referring to the visual language of advertising and Pop art, she creates images that both aestheticise and problematize the female body.


Hadassah Emmerich
Venus Trap, 2024
Oil on vinyl
108 x 76 cm  (framed 117 x 85 cm) 

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